
Harris Allied Insights

We’re keen observers of trends and new ideas. Sometimes the media seeks our point-of-view as expert contributors to the conversation. We’re here for you as a resource to keep up with what’s happening in our dynamic industry. Take a look, then give us a call if you want to know more.

April 29, 2019

How To Make The Leap From IT Pro To CIO

If you're looking to advance your career in the direction of the CIO's seat, the first thing you need to do is learn what it really means to be an IT leader. For starters, it could mean loving technology a little less. That's the advice of Kathy Harris, executive recruiter and managing director of Harris Allied.
February 3, 2019

Why Students Must Maximize Summer Internships (and How to Do It Right)

Summer may be starting to sizzle, but for college-age interns getting their first glimpse at the professional working world, the feeling may be more cold and clammy.
Some anxiety is understandable. But college students should remember that internships are no luxury these days — they're a necessity.
February 3, 2019

5 questions to ask your next boss

>Dear Annie:At the end of your recent column about cultural “fit,” the expert you quoted said that most job candidates don’t ask enough questions. But what should interviewees ask, especially when talking with a prospective boss? I’m now in my second job since graduating from college in 2006 and, while my boss and I get along all right most of the time, I can’t help feeling like we don’t connect very well or really understand each other.
January 13, 2016

Why Top-Performing IT Pros Get Lured Away

Organizational leaders say they want to significantly boost the size of their IT department this year—but they admit that they face significant challenges in retaining the tech employees they already have, according to a recent survey from Harris Allied. Many IT pros are leaving their employers for companies that offer more money.

Harris Allied

April 29, 2019

How To Make The Leap From IT Pro To CIO

If you're looking to advance your career in the direction of the CIO's seat, the first thing you need to do is learn what it really means to be an IT leader. For starters, it could mean loving technology a little less. That's the advice of Kathy Harris, executive recruiter and managing director of Harris Allied.
February 3, 2019

Why Students Must Maximize Summer Internships (and How to Do It Right)

Summer may be starting to sizzle, but for college-age interns getting their first glimpse at the professional working world, the feeling may be more cold and clammy.
Some anxiety is understandable. But college students should remember that internships are no luxury these days — they're a necessity.
February 3, 2019

5 questions to ask your next boss

>Dear Annie:At the end of your recent column about cultural “fit,” the expert you quoted said that most job candidates don’t ask enough questions. But what should interviewees ask, especially when talking with a prospective boss? I’m now in my second job since graduating from college in 2006 and, while my boss and I get along all right most of the time, I can’t help feeling like we don’t connect very well or really understand each other.
January 13, 2016

Why Top-Performing IT Pros Get Lured Away

Organizational leaders say they want to significantly boost the size of their IT department this year—but they admit that they face significant challenges in retaining the tech employees they already have, according to a recent survey from Harris Allied. Many IT pros are leaving their employers for companies that offer more money.