How to earn $1m+ as a quant in finance
March 3, 2018
How to earn $1m+ as a quant in finance
March 3, 2018Top Reasons Why Tech Job Candidates Turn Down Offers
As seen in CIO Insights The voice of the CIO Community
Organizational leaders say they want to significantly boost the size of their IT department this year—but they admit that they face significant challenges in retaining the tech employees they already have, according to a recent survey from Harris Allied. Many IT pros are leaving their employers for companies that offer more money. They're also tempted by opportunities to work with newer, "hotter" technologies. "Tech professionals are in high demand, particularly in roles requiring software and Web development skills," said Kathy Harris, managing director of Harris Allied. "This demand is giving tech employees a strong upper hand in terms of compensation expectations. But our research has consistently shown the need for these employees to be challenged and grow professionally, while being able to work with exciting new technologies. Employers who take a holistic view of employee retention are better positioned to win the talent war in this very competitive environment." Meanwhile, with recruitment wars heating up, companies are happy to lure away talent from their competitors, and even search outside of their industry to connect to candidates. Ironically, they're less likely to build talent from within (often made possible through internal training programs) to fill tech vacancies. More than 150 CIOs, CTOs, tech managers, IT professionals and C-level execs took part in the research.
Dennis McCafferty is a freelance writer for Baseline Magazine.